Frequently Asked Questions
Approximating functions
How do I interpolate a function at a specified grid?
In the case where the grid is specified by points(space,n)
, you can apply the default transform to data:
julia> S = Chebyshev(1..2);
julia> p = points(S,20); # the default grid
julia> v = exp.(p); # values at the default grid
julia> f = Fun(S,ApproxFun.transform(S,v));
julia> f(1.1)
julia> exp(1.1)
ApproxFun has no inbuilt support for interpolating functions at other sets of points, but this can be accomplished manually by evaluating the basis at the set of points and using \:
julia> S = Chebyshev(1..2);
julia> n = 50;
julia> p = range(1,stop=2,length=n); # a non-default grid
julia> v = exp.(p); # values at the non-default grid
julia> V = Array{Float64}(undef,n,n); # Create a Vandermonde matrix by evaluating the basis at the grid
julia> for k = 1:n V[:,k] = Fun(S,[zeros(k-1);1]).(p) end
julia> f = Fun(S,V\v);
julia> f(1.1)
julia> exp(1.1)
Note that an evenly spaced grid suffers from instability for large n
. The easiest way around this is to use least squares with more points than coefficients, instead of interpolation:
julia> S = Chebyshev(1..2);
julia> n = 100; m = 50;
julia> p = range(1,stop=2,length=n); # a non-default grid
julia> v = exp.(p); # values at the non-default grid
julia> V = Array{Float64}(undef,n,m); # Create a Vandermonde matrix by evaluating the basis at the grid
julia> for k = 1:m V[:,k] = Fun(S,[zeros(k-1);1]).(p) end
julia> f = Fun(S,V\v);
julia> f(1.1)
julia> exp(1.1)
We can use this same approach for multivariate functions:
julia> S = Chebyshev(0..1)^2;
julia> n = 1000; m = 50;
julia> Random.seed!(0); x = rand(n); y = rand(n);
julia> v = exp.(x .* cos.(y)); # values at the non-default grid
julia> V = Array{Float64}(undef,n,m); # Create a Vandermonde matrix by evaluating the basis at the grid
julia> for k = 1:m V[:,k] = Fun(S,[zeros(k-1);1]).(x,y) end
julia> f = Fun(S,V\v);
julia> f(0.1,0.2)
julia> exp(0.1*cos(0.2))