Periodic Domains
using ApproxFun
using LinearAlgebra
We may approximate a periodic function in Fourier
f = Fun(cos, Fourier(-π..π))
norm(differentiate(f) + Fun(sin, Fourier(-π..π))) < 100eps()
Boundary Value Problems
Due to the periodicity, Fourier representations allow for the asymptotic savings of 2/π in the number of coefficients that need to be stored compared with a Chebyshev representation.
ODEs can also be solved when the solution is periodic.
In this example, we solve
\[\frac{dy}{dt} + (1 + \sin(\cos(2t)))y = \exp(\sin(10t))\]
subject to periodic boundary conditions on the domain $[-\pi,\,\pi]$.
Solve the differential equation in Chebyshev space
s = Chebyshev(-π..π)
a = Fun(t-> 1+sin(cos(2t)),s)
L = Derivative() + a
f = Fun(t->exp(sin(10t)),s)
B = periodic(s,0)
uChebyshev = [B;L]\[0.,f]
Solve the differential equation in Fourier space
s = Fourier(-π..π)
a = Fun(t-> 1+sin(cos(2t)),s)
L = Derivative() + a
f = Fun(t->exp(sin(10t)),s)
uFourier = L\f
We note that the number of coefficients in the Fourier space is lower than that in the Chebyshev space by a factor of approximately π/2
(0.6284046692607004, 0.6366197723675814)
We plot the solution
import Plots
Plots.plot(uFourier, xlims=(-pi, pi), legend=false)
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