Canonical domains

The package favours the implementation of a small number of canonical domains, in terms of which other domains can be defined. The mechanism to associate domains with canonical domains, with various meanings of the word "canonical", turns out to be both flexible and productive.

This part of the documentation is oriented towards library developers, rather than users. As a user, apart from learning applicable syntax, you'll also read the "why" of it.

A representative of a class

We will use a ball as a running example.

julia> using DomainSets, StaticArrays

julia> d = Ball(2.0, SA[0.3, 0.5])
Ball(2.0, [0.3, 0.5])

The type of d is GenericBall, which stores the radius and the center of the ball. This is a common thing to do: a ball is defined mathematically by its center and its radius.

The canonical domain is much simpler. In this case it is a unit ball or UnitDisk, the 2D unit ball with radius 1. This domain can be represented without state, as a singleton type without fields. It is easy to reason about and simple to implement functionality for. In turn, much of the functionality for more general balls can be implemented in terms of the map from the unit disk. Better yet, that kind of functionality may itself be generic, i.e., the implementation of the generalized functionality is not specific to balls. For example, the boundary of a domain is the boundary of the canonical domain, mapped by the same map that takes points of the canonical domain to points of the domain.

The map from the unit ball to a more general one is affine.

julia> canonicaldomain(d)

julia> m = mapfrom_canonical(d)
x -> 2.0 * x + v

v = 2-element SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):

The boundary of a unit ball is a unit sphere.

julia> boundary(canonicaldomain(d))

julia> boundary(d)
Sphere(2.0, [0.3, 0.5])

The code does not "know" that the boundary of a generic ball is also a generic sphere. It simply applies the map to the unit circle:

julia> map_domain(m, boundary(canonicaldomain(d)))
Sphere(2.0, [0.3, 0.5])

Some canonical domains are UnitInterval, UnitBall, UnitSphere and UnitSimplex.

Relevant functions
canonicaldomain([ctype::CanonicalType, ]d)

Return an associated canonical domain, if any, of the given domain.

For example, the canonical domain of an Interval [a,b] is the interval [-1,1].

Optionally, a canonical type argument may specify an alternative canonical domain. Canonical domains help with establishing equality between domains, with finding maps between domains and with finding parameterizations.

If a domain implements a canonical domain, it should also implement mapfrom_canonical and mapto_canonical.

See also: mapfrom_canonical, mapto_canonical.

mapfrom_canonical(d[, x])

Return a map to a domain d from its canonical domain.

If a second argument x is given, the map is evaluated at that point. The point x should be a point in the canonical domain of d, and the result is a point in d.

See also: mapto_canonical, canonicaldomain.

mapto_canonical(d[, x])

Return a map from a domain d to its canonical domain.

If a second argument x is given, the map is evaluated at that point. The point x should be a point in the domain d, and the result is a point in the canonical domain.

See also: mapfrom_canonical, canonicaldomain.


Equal domains

Different types of canonical domains can be obtained by using a different CanonicalType argument to canonicaldomain. The first one we consider is Equal().

Domains can be the same even if they have different types. This is hard to capture in general without a symbolic engine. The system of canonical domains provides a partial solution by associating domains with a simpler "equal" domain, whenever that is possible.

The unit ball in one dimension with scalar elements is the same as the interval $[-1,1]$.

julia> d = UnitBall{Float64}()

julia> canonicaldomain(DomainSets.Equal(), d)
-1.0 .. 1.0 (Chebyshev)

julia> equaldomain(d)
-1.0 .. 1.0 (Chebyshev)

julia> UnitBall{Float64}() == -1..1

The equaldomain(d) function is a convenience shorthand for canonicaldomain(Equal(), d).

Similarly, the one-dimensional unit simplex with scalar element type is really just the unit interval.

julia> equaldomain(UnitSimplex{Float64}())
0.0 .. 1.0 (Unit)
Relevant functions

Return a canonical domain that is equal, but simpler. For example, a 1-dimensional ball is an interval. This function is equivalent to canonicaldomain(Equal(), d).

A domain and its equaldomain are always equal domains according to isequaldomain.

See also: canonicaldomain.


Isomorphic domains

Two domains can be isomorphic but not equal. One example results from the isomorphism between numbers and vectors of length 1, namely $x ↔ [x]$.

The unit ball with length 1 vector elements is isomorphic to the unit ball with scalar element type:

julia> eltype(UnitBall(Val(1)))
SVector{1, Float64} (alias for SArray{Tuple{1}, Float64, 1, 1})

julia> canonicaldomain(DomainSets.Isomorphic(), UnitBall(Val(1)))

julia> mapfrom_canonical(DomainSets.Isomorphic(), UnitBall(Val(1)))
x : Float64 -> x : SVector{1, Float64}

Another common example is the identification of a region of the complex plane with a domain in the 2D Euclidean plane, $[a;b] ↔ a+bi$. One such implementation in the package is the complex unit circle:

julia> canonicaldomain(DomainSets.Isomorphic(), ComplexUnitCircle())

julia> mapto_canonical(DomainSets.Isomorphic(), ComplexUnitCircle())
x : ComplexF64 -> x : StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64}
Relevant functions
Isomorphic <: CanonicalType

An isomorphic canonical domain is a domain that is the same up to an isomorphism.


The isomorphisms in the two examples above are defined in FunctionMaps.jl.

Parametric domains

A domain can be parameterised if it is easy to map from a parameter domain to the domain at hand, but not the other way around. The map might not be invertible, or might be difficult to invert (numerically or analytically).

We associate a circle with a radius and center with the unit circle. The unit circle is the canonical domain. However, in turn, the unit circle can be parameterised from the unit interval. Consequently, by chaining maps, any other circle can be parameterised from the unit interval as well.

julia> parameterdomain(UnitCircle())
0.0 .. 1.0 (Unit)

julia> canonicaldomain(DomainSets.Parameterization(), UnitCircle())
0.0 .. 1.0 (Unit)

julia> mapfrom_parameterdomain(UnitCircle())

julia> using StaticArrays

julia> canonicaldomain(DomainSets.Parameterization(), Sphere(2.0, SA[1.0, 5.0]))
0.0 .. 1.0 (Unit)

julia> mapfrom_parameterdomain(Sphere(2.0, SA[1.0, 5.0]))
(x -> 2.0 * x + v) ∘ UnitCircleMap{Float64}()

v = 2-element Vector{Float64}:

Note that parameterdomain is a convenience function similar to equaldomain.

Another common case is a line segment in 2D, which can be described in terms of an interval and an affine map from $ℝ$ to $ℝ^2$.

julia> using StaticArrays

julia> m = AffineMap(SA[2.0, 3.0], SA[1.0, 2.0]);

julia> d = DomainSets.parametric_domain(m, UnitInterval());

julia> parameterdomain(d)
0.0 .. 1.0 (Unit)

julia> mapfrom_parameterdomain(d)
x -> v₁ * x + v₂

v₁ = 2-element SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):
v₂ = 2-element SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):
Relevant functions

Simplifying a domain

The mechanisms involving various canonical types defined above allow one to generically simplify a domain. The first possible simplification of a domain is its equaldomain.

However, even if the domain does not have an equivalent domain, its canonical domain might have one. Or its parameter domain, if it exists. The function DomainSets.simplify goes one step further than equaldomain and also checks the latter property.

Since a scalar unit ball is an interval, any affine map of that ball also corresponds to a similarly mapped interval.

julia> 2*UnitBall{Float64}()
Ball(2.0, 0.0)

julia> DomainSets.simplify(UnitBall{Float64}())
-1.0 .. 1.0 (Chebyshev)

julia> equaldomain(2*UnitBall{Float64}())
Ball(2.0, 0.0)

julia> DomainSets.simplify(2*UnitBall{Float64}())
-2.0 .. 2.0

The simplification of a domain is used in isequaldomain to simplify the arguments before verifying equality. The mechanism above results in the following positive identification of equality between domains with very different types:

julia> isequaldomain(2*UnitBall{Float64}() .+ 1, -1..3)
Relevant functions