Euclidean geometry

Domains appearing in geometry are an important special case. A small number of primitive domains are implemented.

Several of these may be open or closed.

DomainSets favours the definition of canonical types without state, which can be implemented as singleton types without fields or data. It is made easy to map the canonical domain to a more specific one, often using an affine map. See: Canonical domains.

A note on Euclidean dimension

The Euclidean dimension of a domain can be implicit in the element type, if it is scalar or a static vector. One could have T=Float64 or T = SVector{3,Float64} for 3D domains. The dimension can also be variable, if the element type is a Vector{T}. In the latter case the dimension is typically explicitly stored in a field of the type. In the former case the dimension is implicit in the type and the type itself can be stateless.


DomainSets imposes no preference and enables both representations. Among other things, this leads to having more types, sometimes with funny or unexpected names. For example, StaticUnitBall{T} is a singleton type, whose dimension is fixed by the element type T. The word "static" in the name of the type refers to this aspect of dimensionality being known at compile-time. The alternative is DynamicUnitBall{T}. This is a domain with element type Vector{T}, whose dimension is explicitly stored in a field.


DomainSets uses IntervalSets.jl for the definition and manipulation of intervals. Most notably intervals can be easily created using the ellipsis notation a..b.

IntervalSets supports open and closed intervals, finite and infinite intervals, and intervals of non-numeric types such as dates and times. See the documentation of the package for the full interface.

A number of intervals with fixed endpoints, known at compile-time, are added in DomainSets, see Approximation intervals.

Rectangles and cubes

Rectangles and cubes are implemented as a ProductDomain (see Product domains). They can be obtained by passing closed intervals to the ProductDomain constructor, or by invoking the Rectangle constructor.

Two special cases are the UnitSquare and UnitCube types. These types have no state.

Some examples:

julia> ProductDomain(1.5..2.5, 3.5..6.0)
(1.5 .. 2.5) × (3.5 .. 6.0)

julia> [0.5,0.3] ∈ UnitSquare()

julia> [0.5,0.3,0.1] ∈ UnitCube()

julia> ProductDomain(UnitInterval(), UnitInterval())

julia> Rectangle([0.0,1.0,2.0], [1.0,4.0,6.0])
(0.0 .. 1.0) × (1.0 .. 4.0) × (2.0 .. 6.0)
Relevant functions
Rectangle(a, b)

A rectangular domain in n dimensions with extrema determined by the vectors or points a and b or by the endpoints of the given intervals.


Balls and spheres

The unit ball in a space is the volume consisting of all points x for which norm(x) < 1 or norm(x) ≤ 1, depending on whether the ball is open or closed. The sphere is the boundary of the volume, i.e., the set of points for which norm(x) = 1.

The canonical ball is a UnitBall, which can either have a dimension determined by the element type T or, in case of Vector elements, a dimension that is specified explicitly.

The constructor of the abstract type Ball returns a suitable concrete type depending on the arguments.

Types and syntax for spheres are analogous to those of balls.

julia> UnitBall()

julia> Ball(3.0)
Ball(3.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

julia> Ball(3.0, [0.4, 2.0, 5.0])
Ball(3.0, [0.4, 2.0, 5.0])

julia> Ball{SVector{3,Float64}}(3, [0, 1, 2])
Ball(3.0, [0.0, 1.0, 2.0])

julia> eltype(ans)
SVector{3, Float64}
Relevant functions
Ball(radius = 1[, center])
Ball{T,C=:closed}(radius = 1[, center])

Return a concrete subtype of Ball which represents a ball with the given radius and center, the given eltype T, and which is open or closed.

The default center is the origin. In case both radius and center are omitted, a subtype of UnitBall is returned, whose concrete type depends on T.

A ball represents a volume. For the boundary of a ball, see Sphere().

Sphere(radius = 1[, center])
Sphere{T}(radius = 1[, center])

Return a concrete subtype of Sphere which represents a sphere with the given radius and center, and the given eltype T.

The default center is the origin. In case both radius and center are omitted, a subtype of UnitSphere is returned, whose concrete type depends on T.

A sphere represents the boundary of a ball. For the volume, see Ball().


The open or closed volume of all points of type T with norm smaller than (or equal to) 1.


The set of all points of type T with norm 1.


The unit disk and unit circle are special cases in 2D.


The closed unit disk in 2D, with element type SVector{2,T}.



The type hierarchy is similar to that of balls. The abstract supertype UnitSimplex has a constructor which returns a suitable concrete subtype depending on the arguments.


The open or closed volume of all points of type x, for which the sum of components is smaller than (or equal to) 1.

The unit simplex has the origin and all Euclidean unit vector as vertices.
